The Rebranded Teacher
The Rebranded Teacher
My Exact Strategy to Earn an Extra $1K on TPT in March
Unlock the secrets to increasing your Teachers Pay Teachers (TPT) earnings this March with strategies inspired by my own experiences and lessons learned. Join me, Lauren Fulton, as I share my personal journey of managing divided focus between my TPT store and a math membership business with Brooklyn McCarley. Discover how this impacted my January sales and the steps I'm taking to streamline my call to action and revitalize my neglected email list. Get ready for an exciting reveal: I'm launching two new product lines that are perfect for educators who crave fast, no-prep resources, all while navigating the challenges of budget-friendly outsourcing.
But that's not all—I'm doubling down on sales strategies with a strategic partnership at an upcoming online math summit. Hear about my plan to captivate VIP ticket buyers with a special sample pack and grow my audience through a savvy email opt-in strategy. Teaming up with another presenter, I aim to introduce my products to fresh eyes and generate buzz before launch. Plus, I'm adding an element of fun by inviting you to guess my sales earnings, with a prize for the closest prediction. Tune in for actionable insights, a bit of friendly competition, and a roadmap to TPT success!
Check Out My YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/laurenfulton
Link to Rank my Resources Bootcamp: https://rebrandedteacher.kartra.com/page/mnx229
My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laurentschappler/
My Other YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@LaurenATsch
Free Rebranded Teacher Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/749538092194115
Welcome to the Rebranded Teacher Podcast. My name is Lauren Fulton. I'm a full-time teacher, author and seller on Teachers, Pay Teachers, and I help other teacher entrepreneurs grow their TPT businesses in a way that's purposeful and sustainable. So if you're looking for actionable, step-by-step ways to grow your business, you're in the right place. Let's get started it.
Speaker 2:This is everything I plan to do to make an extra thousand dollars on TPT in the month of March. But first we need to talk about the month of January Because, if I'm being real honest with you, january not so great for me on TPT. Now I know exactly why this is and I'm not super concerned about it, because I spent a lot of time in the month of January really focusing efforts on moving people over to the math membership, which is a membership that I'm not gonna say competes with my TPT store, because it doesn't really compete with my TPT store. But the truth of the matter is it's really hard to advertise two things at once. I either need to get you into the math membership or I need to get you into my TPT store, because I'm not gonna flip or flop you for weeks on end Like I'm not gonna go. Today you need to join the math membership, but tomorrow I want you to go to my TPT store.
Speaker 2:I like to keep my call to action really streamlined across a period of time. So I spent quite a bit of time between December and January promoting a workshop that was designed to get more people into the math membership. Now, the math membership is not something that I own by myself. I also own it with my business partner, brooklyn McCarley, and so this is something that we do together. So if I spend a lot of time push, push, pushing my audience in a certain direction, I like to spend a lot of follow-up time after that, giving them a break from the push. Now, this isn't something that you have to do, but it is something that I like to do. With my email list, I just want to make sure that I'm taking some time to just provide value to them, and I know that we talk about nurturing, providing value and all of that kind of stuff probably a little too much. I really think about it more in terms of building a relationship with them, and I like to take the time to do some community building in between some big events.
Speaker 2:Another part of this was that, to be truthful, I kind of slacked on my email marketing, and I know probably some of you who've been around for a while are like collectively gasping right now, because you all know I am not big on ghosting your email list, but January and February have just been a really busy month for me Personally, professionally, all the things, and sometimes something gets dropped, and for me this month it was email marketing Not saying I didn't email, do any email marketing at all, but just saying I was not on my A game. Okay, I was also spending some time designing a new product line, which a lot of times I tend to get distracted with things like that and it keeps me from doing some of the basic, more routine things that I know I need to be doing. Now, in hindsight, the way to fix this is just to make sure that one of my team members is actually responsible for sending out emails. I actually have an assistant and project manager and she does both. She's an assistant and she's a project manager and manages my other assistants. She's amazing and she would have happily sent some emails out to me, but sometimes I'm just so out of my head that I just don't even remember to tell somebody else to do it. And then, like this week, we got to Friday and I was like, oh my gosh, I don't think I sent a math email this week. Well, there's that great, but Well, there's that great. But that's why there's always next week and we're not gonna worry about it.
Speaker 2:But let's get back to this grand plan for the month of March, because I fully intend to sell $1,000 worth of these new product lines. And let me tell you a little bit about how I'm gonna do that. The first thing is that I am launching two interconnected product lines in the month of March. So these two interconnected product lines are product lines that basically by interconnected I mean the two of them work really well together. You can purchase one without the other just fine, but they work really beautifully together and it's a set of games that pair really well with a set of task cards. There's nothing especially special about the task cards themselves except for the fact that they pair really well with these games, and I've noticed over the years that my audience just really really loves my dollar spot inside of my store. They like quick, they like easy, they like no prep, they like simple, they like all those things right.
Speaker 2:So I landed on doing task cards, which is a little bit outside of my general niche, mostly because I didn't want to spend a lot of money on creating these dollar products. Back when I first started designing these dollar resources, I was doing them myself, so the investment cost me zero dollars. It was just a time investment. I was using clipart that I already had piggybacking off problems that I'd already created for other resources and I was just kind of sticking them together. But now, to be honest with you, I don't even have time to do that, like I don't have time to be making task cards, so everything has to be outsourced.
Speaker 2:For the most part, what that means is it's not as practical or cost effective to hire someone at the general rate that I might pay them to create a product for me, which would usually be about 50 bucks. So I needed to come up with an idea for a product that wouldn't cost me quite that much money. Needed to come up with an idea for a product that wouldn't cost me quite that much money, and not that $50 is that much, but at the dollar rate I would have to. By the time you factor in hiring someone to make covers and previews and pay someone to create the product, we're really looking at closer to a $60 to $80 investment, just depending on how long it takes them to create those things, which means I have to sell that product 60 to 80 times before I start earning profit on it, and at $1 price point the profit, it's gonna be a while before that profit is really profiting.
Speaker 2:You know what I mean. So I chose these task cards because they're very simple, low formatting and because it would really work well with a lot of the other resources that I've already paid to have created. So a lot of the problems that I've already used for other products could just be taken and dropped into these task cards and repurposed as new problems Along the way. The writer can change a number here and there to make sure that they're a little bit different, but overall it's not gonna take her nearly as long to create these, so it's not gonna cost nearly as much to make. The other factor when it comes to having profitable dollar resources is that you really need to have a lot of them, like you need to have a lot in order to really get your money's worth, because if a buyer comes in, they're really excited about purchasing dollar products. But I want you to think about it like this If you go to the grocery store and you see a bunch of soaps for a dollar and there are only three different kinds for a dollar, you're probably going to buy three One, two, three. Right, it's a dollar, it's a great deal. If you're interested in it, you're going to buy all three, but if there are 13 different kinds of soap, you might sift through those 13 different kinds of soap and purchase five or six of them, which means that you're getting a greater return on the traffic investment that you're making to that section of your store and it's costing you the same amount of time or perhaps the same amount of money to get the buyer over into that corner. But because there's more for them to choose from, they're going to end up adding more into their cart. The same is true with a lot of your resources and product lines on TPT, especially when they're lower cost products.
Speaker 2:And then, to really up the ante, I created a bunch of games that are all different themes that can work with any worksheets or any task cards. So the task cards are really just a natural compliment. The teacher can grab a set of task cards, grab a pack of games, and they can have three different games for students to choose from to practice the same set of task cards. Or they could grab three different sets of task cards or five different sets of task cards in one set of games and their students can enjoy playing them. This is also going to encourage long-term profitability, because if the students really enjoy the games and they really enjoy the task cards. This can become a part of their everyday classroom routine or their weekly classroom routine, where it's something that teachers and students look forward to, and because it's so cost-effective for me to create and for them to purchase, then it's a no-brainer for both of us, right, and that's the recipe for a highly profitable product. So I'm launching two interconnected product lines that I'm expecting to be both profitable and highly sought after.
Speaker 2:The second thing that I'm planning on doing that what I'm hoping will increase my profit margins on this in the month of March increase sales on this is to run Facebook ads to a lead magnet for this product line, where buyers can choose one game and they can choose one set of task cards that they can start with for free, and as soon as they've put in their information to get that freebie sent to their inbox, it immediately takes them to a landing page that will tell them hey, you could get more of these for just a dollar, and shows them all the different options that are available and sends them straight to my TPT store. This will help increase traffic to my TPT store and hopefully put more money in my pocket to help cover the ad costs while growing my email list, which is a major win. Third, I have a plan for advertising these products. Number one obviously I'm going to launch it to my email list, and I'm going to launch it to my email list by building hype and building brand awareness. Now I've already started phase one of this by sending an email to my list last week asking for people to test the product.
Speaker 2:I chose 20 people out of the probably six or 700 who applied to test the product, and I sent 20 people the game boards for them to try and for them to test out and to tell me whether or not they liked them. This means that the 700 or so people who were interested in testing the product but didn't get chosen are going to be delighted when they find out that they too can try it for just a dollar. They're going to be super stoked and they've already been thinking about it. This isn't going to be their first introduction to the product line. They've already been introduced to it, they've already been interested in it, so we've already started some of the hype building. Now I'll spend the next week trying to build a little bit more hype for it, tell them a little bit more about it and asking them to vote on different game board themes so that, when I release them, I can make sure that I'm releasing things that they're gonna be the most interested in. This is also going to help build awareness for the product line and make them really excited for it to drop.
Speaker 2:Finally, I'm presenting at an online math summit. I think this is actually the first time that I'm presenting at a math summit that's not mine, or an online math summit. At least that's not mine and I am going to be advertising this product line during that summit. So tons of value within my session itself. But I'm also donating a sample pack of these products to anyone who purchases a VIP ticket, and then, in addition to that, I'm also going to send them the same email opt-in that I'm using for Facebook ads, so that I can get some of those people on my email list and then again drive them straight over to my store. So my campaign to earn an extra thousand dollars in the month of March goes exactly like this.
Speaker 2:Number one have a really killer idea for a product line that I know is going to resonate with my audience. Now, this doesn't have to be a new product line for you. This can be an existing product line that you feel like doesn't get the attention it deserves. You can start a new launch campaign and pretend like you're introducing it to your buyers for the very first time and highlight all of your favorite features and ways that they can use this product on a regular basis. The second thing that I'm going to do is I'm going to focus on growing my email list with people who are interested in those products. This means long term. The people who are joining my email list are going to be interested specifically in these two new product lines that I'm investing in, and that's going to increase my odds of profitability for this product line later on, because I'm filling my audience with people who I know are interested already in those resources.
Speaker 2:Third, I am stepping outside of my comfort zone and I'm tapping into the audience of someone else by being a presenter at a summit. Actually, it's a win-win-win, because she actually has a large existing audience that I have never tapped into before. I'm speaking at her summit and then she is going to turn around and speak at my summit. So we're both advertising each other's summits, both providing value to each other, and we're both tapping into each other's audiences by not only introducing ourself to those math teachers, but also by providing a lead magnet to go alongside of our summit. That's going to help draw people in. So it's a win-win-win it's a win for her audience, it's a win for me and it's a win for her.
Speaker 2:And then, finally, I'm really focusing on that hype building campaign. I really want buyers thinking about ways that they can use this product and to be excited about it before it ever hits the store shelves. This way, when it does hit store shelves, I don't have to do spend a lot of time explaining to them what this dollar resource is. I just have to tell them it's out, go grab it right now and hopefully they just start flying off the shelves. That's the plan. So I'll come back at the end of March and give you a little update and let you know how this went and exactly how much money in sales I made from this product line. But for now, you can go ahead and start adopting my strategy. This is not a new strategy for me, with the exception of speaking at somebody else's math summit. Everything here is something that I've done before with success, and Everything here is something that I've done before with success, and I'm really excited to do it again and to launch these two new product lines in the month of March. Thanks so much for being here, you guys.
Speaker 2:Now I have a fun little contest for you guys, and if you're listening via podcast, then you're going to want to do this on YouTube so that you don't miss out. Go check out the YouTube video so that you can leave a comment. And what I'm going to ask you to do is I want you to guess exactly how much money I'm going to make from these two product lines in the month of March. The person who is the closest, without going over, is going to win a free ticket to Teacher Seller Summit, which is an online summit for teacher authors. Now, the tickets don't open until April, but I will put your name down. You will get a pre-sale ticket. So you will get me one of the first official attendees if you guess the closest amount without going over. So make sure you leave a comment below and, with that comment, tell me how I can contact you. That way, if you win, I can send you a price If you want to comment your amount and then send me an email with your email address, because you don't want to leave your email address lying around.
Speaker 2:Believe me, I totally get it. Just send me an email to lauren at the rebranded teachercom, but do make sure that you're leaving your guests below and then just send me an email and be like hey, my username is such and such. On YouTube, I commented this amount and here is my email address. You can do that or you can drop your email address in the comments, however you want to do it. Okay, thank Thanks so much for being on the podcast. You guys make sure you go on YouTube and leave your comment. Cannot wait to see what you guys guesses are, and I hope someone guesses like a really big number and they win, like that's. What I'm hoping is that the highest guessing number actually wins, cause you know that'd be fun. I'm always down to make a little bit more money than what I anticipate, but I'm going to see you guys right back here next week.