The Rebranded Teacher

4 Ways I've Utilized AI in my TPT Business This Month

Lauren Fulton - The Rebranded Teacher

What if you could revolutionize your TPT business with the power of AI? Join me, Lauren Fulton, as I share how AI tools like voice generators and the paid version of ChatGPT have transformed my workflow. From creating compelling "About Me" sections and product descriptions to drafting the backbone of your blog posts, you'll discover practical tips and specific prompts to maximize the effectiveness of these tools. Learn how AI can even assist in generating unique graphics for your resources, helping you stand out in the crowded market.

But that's not all—engaging educators has never been more fun! Discover how you can spark interaction and community among math teachers with innovative strategies like Where's Waldo-style images featuring "Joe" and math symbols, pop-up Facebook groups, and interactive games such as quizzes, Kahoot, and emoji puzzles. Plus, see how versatile tools like ChatGPT can create custom puzzles and content, adding an extra layer of engagement to your offerings. Don’t miss this episode packed with actionable insights and creative ideas to elevate your TPT venture!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Rebranded Teacher Podcast. My name is Lauren Fulton. I'm a full-time teacher, author and seller on Teachers, Pay Teachers, and I help other teacher entrepreneurs grow their TPT businesses in a way that's purposeful and sustainable. So if you're looking for actionable, step-by-step ways to grow your business, you're in the right place. Let's get started.

Speaker 2:

Let's talk about AI, because you either love it or hate it. Probably, if you're in this demographic, you're here, you're listening to this podcast, you're probably a very busy person and you probably really appreciate AI or you're really curious about it. So let's talk about four ways that I've used AI in my business in this past month, and I've used it multiple different times. So I've paid for a couple of different AI services, but the two that I pay for consistently one is an AI voice generator and I've used that for short films that I've used in some of my resources, and the other one is chat GPT, for I think it is whatever the paid version of chat GPT is. That's the other thing that I pay for, and I've really found it to be helpful. I cannot say definitively whether the paid version of chat GPT is better than the free version, but I've used it to generate images, which I'll talk about here in a second, and this doesn't even scratch the surface. I'm sure of what it's capable of doing for your business, but here's some of the ways that I've used it. So, number one I've used it to write the about me section on my TPT product page. So I'm not great at writing about me's, and before I really didn't worry about it because it was kind of hidden in the tab inside of your store. It says you know, like somebody has to click over there and really be interested. And I noticed today that, like where they're supposed to be, like an ampersand sign, it's just like some weird code. So I've definitely got to fix that. But I did this for my new store and I'm about to do it right now for my original math store. I don't love to write about me because I feel like I end up kind of just over editing and trying to figure out exactly what to say, like, does this sound too braggy? Do I sound qualified? Like you know, I kind of overanalyze it and so I've just given it a very simple prompt to say can you write an about me section in you know 100 words or less, or I think actually ended up culling it down to like maybe 80 or 60 words for my storefront so that the vast majority of the text could go into that section. So there was no like read more button or they didn't have to like read more to finish a sentence and so hopefully they would stay at the top of my store. But when I did this for my new store, my pre-K store. I said can you write an about me section in 80 words or less about a homeschool mom who's very busy and creates preschool resources to help other moms who are really busy keep their toddlers learning and engaged or active and engaged right? And it wrote an about me section and then I had it write a different version. I was like can you write a second version for me? And then from those two versions I kind of like picked and choose different sentences that I liked put it together. It was very, very quick and easy. So I love it for things like that.

Speaker 2:

I have also used it to write my product descriptions and I actually really liked the product descriptions that it's turned out. I can't remember the exact prompt that I gave it, but I said can you write a product description for this resource? I did this for preschool and I told it which keywords to put in the first couple of sentences or the snippet. Essentially, I said these keywords need to be in the first two sentences of the product description and this resource is for this teacher to accomplish this task with their student and this is what's included in the resource. And of course I had to do some tweaking, a little bit of editing, but honestly it was very minor and it did a really great job of making it very skimmable.

Speaker 2:

Another thing that I've used it for is I've used it to write blog posts, and I don't have it write the whole blog post. Honestly, I'm the kind of person I over edit whenever I write something. And you know, back when iMessage had like the bubble and you could like see somebody was typing In fact it may still even have that. I don't know, I don't really pay attention to it anymore, but it used to like make me so nervous because I knew on the other end, if they were watching, it'd be like type, type, type, type, type, stop, type, type, type, type, type, stop, type, type, type, type for like 15 minutes and then I would end up sending like two sentences. So this makes it a whole lot easier for me to have a good starting place and it goes ahead and kind of like writes an outline for me and a lot of times's not. It's like okay, how do I start this off? How do I section this? Do I need to make a transition? I don't really have to think about that so much. I just go in and edit out the parts and make it sound a little bit more like me, so I really like it for writing blog posts.

Speaker 2:

Let's talk about another way that I have used it. In the last month, and this is probably one of my favorite ways I've used it to create graphics. Let me tell you it's not going to replace clip art anytime soon, because it's not cohesive at all. I have not had luck with that. But there were a couple of like, really odd clip art pieces that I needed that would be like I would have to pay somebody to do them custom because nobody would want that Like, for example, in a little story, short story about ants, I needed an image of an ice cream machine that was like overflowing, and it was able to create like a little image of an ice cream machine overflowing and it was fine. It you know it's not great, I'm not going to, you know, publish the book or print it or anything like that. So it served its purpose and it worked for what I needed it to work for and I was happy with it.

Speaker 2:

Another thing that I've had to create recently is create something fun for teachers. So during the summer I like to do fun things for my audience. I like to do fun things for my audience all year round and kind of cut the monotony of still making sure that I'm sending the things that are on topic that math teachers would be interested in not sending them information about my vacation or anything like that but I do like to make things fun and have fun distractions. So I'm really gearing up to push my adventurous Joe line for my math store, and so one of the things that I did is I had it create a Where's Waldo like, a couple of like Where's Waldo type of pictures, and I took Joe and a couple of like math symbols and I hid them throughout the picture and then I sent it to my email audience and you guys, if you want your audience to respond to you, send them a game. I'm about to do this with my pre-K store because I'm having a hard time getting them to interact and engage with me, and so I'm going to do something like this for them. And I think sometimes it's harder when you're starting a new store.

Speaker 2:

You're like I don't really know these people very well, but like math teachers, I know math teachers. Math teachers are fun. They're a little bit nerdy. They like stuff like that, right, and they're not really afraid to do something because it's like kiddish. Do you know what I mean? Teachers in general are not really afraid to do something because it like might be kiddish. They they play with kids all the time, they're dealing with kids all the time. It's fun for them and they're not afraid to admit that they love a good. Where's Waldo, you know? And so I did it and I said where's Joe? And I'm about to send another one out. I sent them to.

Speaker 2:

In fact, so many of them joined my summer pop-up Facebook group which, by the way, if you are toying with the idea of doing a Facebook group or doing Instagram, this is a really great way to kind of test the waters and to see whether or not you'd be able to commit to it, whether or not it's going to get a good turnout. It's to do a pop-up group, like a pop-up Facebook group or a pop-up Instagram or a pop-up TikTok, and you can send them over there and say, hey, we're going to be here for this short period of time and then if you decide that you want to keep it going, you can keep it going, but in this case, like I'm probably not going to keep it going, but it's a summer pop-up group and so I posted another one in there and Where's Joe puzzle in the pop-up group. And I did this recently with a different type of puzzle too. Like I sent them some. I had a line of resources that had emojis in it and so I sent them some emoji puzzles and they loved those and they interacted and engaged with those as well. So send them a quizzes, send them a Kahoot, send them anything like that. I promise you they will play the game, they will love it, they will reply to you, they will love you forever.

Speaker 2:

And so I've used chat GPT to help me create these little where's Waldo type of puzzles very, very simply and very easily. And then I just pop the graphic into Canva, added in my math symbols, added in Joe for where's Joe. So if you're in my niche and you're a competitor of mine, please don't like try to copy that exactly please, because I'm trying to be really original and I really want my stuff to stand out. Hopefully no one would do that. But just a couple of ideas in terms of like just playing games with your audience. And you can use chat GPT, if you have the paid version to create like sort of custom puzzles or custom games or something like that for you, if you give it the right prompts. So, yeah, it's super fun.

Speaker 2:

And those are just four ways that I've used it in my business. So I've used it for nurturing my audience, having fun with them, building hype for my resources, and then I've also used it just for everyday writing, for little things inside of my business, and even big things like product listing. So I've used it for a lot of things and that's just what. I don't even say that's what I've used it for in the last month, because I've used it for more than just that in the last month, but I really love it. So if you're looking for a few ways to get started with AI and a couple of things that you can do very quickly, that's it. And if you do come up with a game to play with your audience, please send me a message and share it with me, because I would love to hear about it. I love all the game ideas. Or, if you're an RTA, post it inside the Rebranded Teacher Facebook group, because I kind of had a prompt about that in the last month.

Speaker 2:

But if you're listening on the podcast right now. Thanks so much for being here, thank you for being faithful to show up and to listen every single week. It does not go unnoticed. And if you are on summer break and you missed some of the episodes from earlier this year, listen. We've had a lot of really great episodes this year, not only from having the guests on who were part of the Teacher Seller Summit Conference, but early in the year we had a lot of different coaching calls and those coaching calls were so much fun and so if you have missed some of those podcast episodes, make sure you're going back and listening to some of those coaching calls that were live. They're a lot of fun. And, yeah, thank you guys so much for being here, for always supporting the podcast All.